
Interns at MSRA

Current interns:

  • 2024.09 – present, Miaomiao Li, master @ Institute of Software, CAS.
  • 2024.05 – present, Shudong Liu, PhD @ U. Macao.


  • 2023.08 – 2024.06, Qinlin Zhao, MSRA-USTC joint Ph.D student (co-mentored with Xing Xie).
  • 2023.09 – 2024.05, Cheng Li, master @ Institute of Software, CAS.
  • 2023.03 – 2024.04, Kaijie Zhu, master @ Institute of Automation, CAS. Now: Phd @ UCSB.
  • 2023.05 – 2023.10, Hao Chen, PhD @ Carnegie Mellon University. Now: continues his Ph.D.
  • 2023.06 – 2023.09, Yachuan Liu, PhD @ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
  • 2022.10 – 2023.03, Xixu Hu, Ph.D @ City University of Hong Kong. Now: faculty at CityU.
    • Topics: adversarial machine learning.
    • outcomes during internship: SpecFormer (ECCV’24), IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, ICLR’23 workshop.
  • 2022.07 – 2023.03, Runkai Zheng, Master @ Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).
    • Topics: adversarial machine learning.
  • 2021.11 – 2022.10, Yidong Wang, Master @ Tokyo Institute of Technology. Now: Ph.D in PKU. [MSRA official blog]
    • Topics: semi-supervised learning, long-tail learning.
    • Publications during internship: ICLR’23, NeurIPS’22, ACML’22, COLING’22. Excellent master student at TokyoTech.
  • 2021.06 – 2021.11, Wang Lu, Ph.D @ ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Now: Tsinghua University.
    • Topics: domain generalization, federated learning, transfer learning.
    • Publications during internship: ICLR’23, TKDE’22, TMLR’22, Ubicomp’22, IEEE TBD’22, ICASSP’22, IJCAI’22 workshop. National scholarship.
  • 2020.12 – 2021.05, Wenxin Hou, Master @ Tokyo Institute of Technology. Now: SDE at Microsoft.
    • Topics: speech recognition, semi-supervised learning.
    • Publications during internship: NeurIPS’21, TASLP’22, Interspeech’21.
  • 2020.05 – 2020.09, Yuntao Du, Ph.D @ Nanjing University. Now: BigAI.
    • Topics: domain adaptation, time series analysis.
    • Publications during internship: CIKM’21 (Paperdigest most influential papers).
  • 2019.10 – 2020.01, Weixin Lu, Bachelor @ Peking University. Now: Ph.D @ New York University.
    • Topics: transfer learning, time series analysis, fintech.

Collaborating students

  • Ph.D student at Georgia Institute of Technology: Yiqiao Jin. AgentReview
  • Ph.D students at ICT, CAS:
    • Xin Qin (Ubicomp, KDD, national scholarship). Now: assistant professor at ICT, CAS.
    • Yuxin Zhang (TKDE * 2). Now: engineer at StateGrid.
  • Ph.D student at Institute of Acoustics, CAS: Han Zhu (ICASSP * 2, TASLP).
  • Master/Ph.D students at Institute of Automation, CAS: YiFan Zhang (KDD’23).
  • Ph.D student at University of Tokyo: Yivan Zhang, Wei Wang.

Academic collaborators

  • Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois Chicago
  • Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Yue Zhang, Westlake University.
  • Sinno Pan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bhiksha Raj, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Masashi, Sugiyama, RIKEN and University of Tokyo.
  • Takahiro Shinozaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
  • Bernt Schiele, Max Planck Institute for Informatics.
  • Han Yu, Nanyang Technological University.
  • Janice Yixuan Zhang, William & Mary
  • Haohan Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
  • Diyi Yang, Stanford University.
  • Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Duke University.
  • Haoliang Li, City University of Hong Kong.
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